Mall’s Pals
*All insurances and Public liability is held under the business name of Mall’s Pals. For all existing Mall’s Pals clients, and formerly Shipley Pet Care clients (from 1st July 2023)
Welcome to Mall’s Pals. In order to run a safe and efficient environment for all the dogs, we need all our owners to adhere to the following terms and conditions.
Hours and Pricing
Dog Walking
Pick up times are between 8:30am and 10:30am (you will get used to the rough time your walker collects your dog, the window is large because some walkers start earlier or later than each other, we aim to minimise this window soon)
1 - 1 ½ hour walk = £18
Additional same household dogs (that are able to share a crate) = +50%
Non-refundable 10% deposit cancellation fee up to 24 hours prior to service
Bolt on Daycare = £30
Additional same household dogs (that are able to share a crate) = +50%
Non-refundable 10% deposit cancellation fee up to 24 hours prior to service
To Shipley residence:
Pick up and drop off times to Ruth/Rebecca (43 The Crescent)
Morning: 8am-9am
Afternoon: 4:30pm-5:30pm
Any later collections after 6pm will be charged a full boarding rate and dogs must be collected the following morning between 8-9am.
Please agree with us in advance if you'd like to collect your dog at an alternative time.
To Mall’s Pals residence:
This is a collection and drop off service arrange between Mall and the clients, however clients are welcome to collect (3 Hart Close), generally speaking we take all dogs out for a walk together before entering the house, which is why we collect in the mornings usually.
If clients are late to collecting their dog after the arranged or suited hours, this will incur an additional £10 for every 10mins
Online bookings made after 7pm may not be received, and therefore we cannot guarantee confirmation of our services for the next day.
We do not provide refunds or credit for same day cancellations.
Dog Boarding
24 hour Dog Boarding = £45
Additional same household dogs (that can share a crate)= +50%
Pick up is the same time as drop off time unless otherwise agreed.
Non-refundable 20% deposit cancellation fee up to 1 weeks prior to boarding.
We do not provide refunds or offer credit for same day cancellations.
Drop off/collection is the same as above for Daycare.
House visits
Available within Henleaze, Westbury on Trym, Stoke Bishop, Clifton, Failand, Abbots Leigh, Pill/Ham Green/Easton in Gordano.
One visit (15-20 minutes) = £14
Full payment required in advance of services being carried out.
Partial payment or non-payment will be considered as a cancellation.
Direct debit payments accepted, cheques not accepted.
House Sitting
24 hour house sit = £60
Additional same household dogs = +50%
Direct debit payments accepted, cheques not accepted.
We do not provide refunds or offer credit for same day cancellations.
Non-refundable 20% deposit cancellation fee up to 1 weeks prior to house sit.
Mall’s Pals (formerly Shipley Pet Care) Terms and Conditions - General
All clients will be deemed to have accepted terms and conditions (as laid out here) on signature of the contract on completing pet profile on the online booking system, and by using our services.
Mall’s Pals will not confirm the client until a consultation has been carried out with the client and the contract including full details of client requirements.
Full payment for services is to be made in advance of booked dates required via stripe. Payment via cash, bank transfer or cheques will not be accepted. If full payment is not received or only partial payment made within the cancellation time frames the booking will be considered cancelled and cancellation fees will apply.
Pick up and drop off times at to Ruth and Rebecca Shipley residence for boarding dogs are strictly between 8-9am and 4:30-5:30pm . Please agree in advance, for any alternative times if you wish to arrive outside of these hours, otherwise an early and late fee of £10 per ten minutes will be charged per 10 minutes outside of these hours.
Any later collections after 6pm will be charged a full boarding rate and dogs must be collected the following morning between 8-9am.
All male dogs must be neutered. All female dogs must be spayed. Or join the pack with the intention of.
All dogs must be micro-chipped and wearing an ID tag with your current phone number on and address but not a name.
All dogs must be at least 6 months old to join Mall’s Pals walking and 1year old for boarding.
All dogs must come for a trial walk - this is charged at the normal rate. Probation period can last for up to 2 months.
All dogs must have a completed profile on Pet Sitter Plus portal with all relevant information before they can join any service.
Not all dogs are suitable for our walks and day-care, so owners must consider that their dog may not be suited to the environment we offer – this is why we run trial sessions. We have a concrete pack and it is important that the dogs gel well together to create a fun and safe environment.
The client must provide all items necessary for pets to be adequately cared for in the client's absence. (i.e., food, medication, leads, tags, collars, cat litter etc). Should pets require any additional supplies whilst in the care of Mall’s Pals clients, these will be purchased and added to the bill plus service charge of £10.
If keys are necessary for an assignment they may be collected during consultation or dropped to a specified location in a named envelope. Keys can be returned after assignment via letter box of home on last day of service if communicated beforehand, otherwise key must be collected at an agreed time. Keys kept in key-safes are the best option for our walkers, if you do need us to have a key to your property, please ensure it is in good working order. No key is labelled with address or anything that could lead to the property. If in circumstances the key is misplaced, you must replace it at the earliest convenience to you and the walkers requirements.
Any clients wanting to leave Mall’s Pals will be contacted in writing for their keys to be collected with an arranged date. If keys are not collected they will be destroyed and disposed of safely.
The client must provide Mall’s Pals with the name and contact number of someone capable of making a decision relating to the pet(s) in an emergency. If the contact is not available Mall’s Pals reserves the right to consult with a veterinary surgeon and then make a decision, which is in the best interests of the animal.
The client is responsible for any veterinary bills, no matter how they are incurred, whilst pets are in the care of Mall’s Pals unless any neglect on our part.
Mall’s Pals must be alerted to any behavioural problems or changes with their pets at the time of booking. Failure to do so may result in additional charges or cancellation of any future contract.
Although Mall’s Pals holds Public Liability insurance, wherever possible the client should insure pets. Mall’s Pals reserves the right to refuse a booking for any animal that is not insured, and reserves the right to know who the clients insurance is held with and what their policy number is. Mall’s Pals is currently insured with Pet Plan Sanctuary. This policy should only be used under circumstances deemed acceptable by Mallory Wright. Circumstances where the incident could have been avoided by a Mall’s Pals team member.
Mall’s Pals will care for your pet as you would, and whilst we will make every efforts to ensure your pet is well looked after in your absence, Mall’s Pals cannot be held liable for any loss, injury or death to a pet either inside or outside of the home whilst in our care.
Bookings must be made before 7pm. Following day bookings can not be guaranteed.
Bookings are only deemed officially confirmed online, via the Pet Sitter Plus app. Not by messages (e.g. WhatsApp) or by word in person.
We do not provide refunds or offer credit for same day cancellations.
National Bank Holidays +50% charge for all services
NYE and Christmas double charge for all services
Terms and Conditions - Dog Walking
Payments and Cancellations
Whoopsie Days
You will get 7 “whoopsie days” per year. These are for cancellations, emergencies and holidays. If you need to use a whoopsie day your account will be credited for use later on. If your day falls on a national holiday, and you do not require a walk, these will not eat into your whoopsie days. You will not be charged and we will credit your account. However, if you do require our service on national holidays then you will be charged the difference +50% Bank holiday or +100% on NYE and Xmas Day. Credits can be used towards any of the services Mall’s Pals offer. Any unused credits by the end of the subscription year will be refunded. If we have to cancel a walk for any reason this will not impact your available whoopsie days e.g. due to extreme weather conditions/sickness. If you use all 7 whoopsie days before the end of your subscription year, any further cancellations will not be credited, are non-refundable or transferrable.
All dogs being walked will undergo a trial period (usually around 2 months) to ensure that they are adequately trained and socialised, and that they gel well with our existing pack.
All dogs will be exercised off lead unless prior agreement has been reached with Mall’s Pals and a disclaimer form has been signed to walk on-lead via online pet portal contract.
The walker will apply personal judgment and cut short a walk if necessary because of extreme weather conditions (ie, heat, thunder storms) for the safety of both the dogs and the walker.
If extreme weather conditions disable us from using our dog-mobile i.e. snow, ice, gale force winds etc we will inform customers the morning the services are to be carried out at the very latest if services must be cancelled, a full refund will be returned to the customer. We will try to give as much warning as possible so you can make other arrangements.
If dogs require quick towelling off after walks, towels must be provided and left by the front door. If Mall’s Pals are returning the dogs back to your home after the walk, we will try our best to remove as much mud/dirt from your pet with a quick towel dry however there is no guarantee that your dog will be returned in their originally clean/dry state. It is the responsibility of the owner to inform Mall’s Pals if there is any particular room/crate that you would like for us to leave your dog when we drop off.
All dogs attending Mall’s Pals must be treated regularly for fleas, ticks and worms. All dogs must be up to date with current, recommended vet vaccinations.
It is the owner's responsibility to ensure the dog is of adequate health and fitness to attend walks and/or day-care.
Female dogs who come into season, will not be able to attend Mall’s Pals for the duration of their season (2-3weeks)
All dogs must be in good health and not sent to Mall’s Pals if showing any signs of conditions or illnesses that could potentially be contagious to other dogs (Kennel Cough) or themselves (Dehydration)
Mall’s Pals reserve the right to turn your dog away or send them home if we suspect any contagious illness. Dogs with Kennel Cough will need to be kept away for a minimum of 10 days.
In months when the weather is extremely hot. It is the owners responsibility to cancel their dogs attendance to the walk. We will create as safe an environment as possible (earlier pick up, access to shade and water). However, in extreme cases of heat (approx 27/28 degrees plus) we will cancel the entire walk ourselves.
All dogs must pass a behaviour assessment on their trial walk/day.
All dogs must be non aggressive and not toy or food possessive.
All dogs must have basic level of obedience. This is very important in a group.
Owners will be asked to certify their dog has never harmed or shown any aggressive or threatening behaviour to any other dog or person.
Mall’s Pals reserve the rights to turn away any dog showing unsuitable or aggressive behaviour.
Please remember your dog will be spending time with other people's dogs in an open/public land environment and in the car (possibly crated with other dogs) and that their safety is our main priority - which is why good behaviour is very important.
Accidents and Emergencies
In the event your dog should fall, become ill or have a severe accident/injury whilst on a walk or at day-care, Mall’s Pals will get in contact as soon as possible.
It is important all dogs in each pack get on well with each other and there is a zero aggression tolerance policy with us, however it is important to remember that dogs can play rough and accidents do happen.
We will always update you with information you might need to know after a walk regarding your dog, either in person at drop off or via text or call. If we feel it is important for your dog to rest or miss walks we will advise this.
Should we deem necessary and we cannot get in contact with you, please note we reserve the right take your dog to the vet (to your vet if possible, if not available, we will use our emergency vet – Highcroft Vet), all charges of which will be passed on to the owner.
We are unable to walk dogs under the age of 6 months or un-neutered dogs.
Mall’s Pals reserves the right to cancel the contract at any time & with immediate effect if the dog does not respond well to the walker and/or other dogs.
Terms and Conditions - Dog Boarding
Payments and cancellations
Cancellations for boarding - If the required notice of 2 weeks is not provided, there is a non-refundable 25% deposit cancellation fee
For dogs staying with Ruth and Rebecca (43 The Crescent), they must be dropped off and collected on a lead from car to front door, as we are situated on a blind corner. Mall’s Pals/Shipley Pet Care is not responsible for owners who refuse to use a lead in the event of your dog being hit by a car or aggravating by passers/neighbours.
Mall’s Pals/Shipley Pet Care include morning pickup and drop off for dogs who we hold the household keys for when boarding. This will be en route to morning group walks (9-10:30am). Owners must provide all their dogs belongings required for boarding in a bag by the front door, and send a photo to ensure we collect the correct belongings.
Mall’s Pals and Shipley Pet Care boarding locations are based in residential area’s therefore owners must keep their dogs under control and keep noisiness to a minimum during drop off and collection.
All dogs must be fully up to date with worming and flea treatments and that in the event of flea infestation, we will treat your dog at your expense. You agree that flea infestation in your dogs boarding home is a very serious matter and must be avoided at all stays. In the event of this happening you may be additionally charged by Mall’s Pals (for both locations) for household treatment and compensation for loss of earnings following an infestation.
You agree that if in extreme cases a dog is found to be destructive, aggressive, completely unmanageable in the home or highly anti-social, we may refuse to board your dog for the remainder of the stay. Mall’s Pals & Shipley Pet Care boarding will have no option but to contact you or your emergency contact. Your emergency contact will be expected to provide alternative care or arrangements will be made to kennel your dog at your cost. Every effort will be made to avoid such an event by you providing an honest account of your dogs behaviour, and by having the open and frank discussion during the meet and greet. Re-positioning of the dog concerned in an alternative home, depending on the problem, may be a possibility however this is not guaranteed. Remember we at Mall’s Pals/Shipley Pet Care do not believe in kennelling but not all dogs are suitable for home boarding.
We are not able to accommodate any dogs that are aggressive towards children or other dogs.
We are unable to home board dogs under the age of 1 year, or un-neutered dogs.
You agree to provide Mall’s Pals/Shipley Pet Care enough food for the entire duration of you dog’s stay, any treats allowed, your dog’s own bedding, any medication required and any other material requirements your dog requires. Please label all belongings where possible. We cannot be held responsible for the loss/damage/condition of belongings when returned after the service. Should any additional supplies be required whilst in our care, these will be purchased and added to the bill plus service charge £10.
Mall’s Pals/Shipley Pet Care reserves the right at all times to refuse access to clients of our booking service if it is in the interest of Mall’s Pals/Shipley Pet Care without liability, without cause, with or without prior notice.
Terms and Conditions – Home Visits
Payments and cancellations
Any cancellations must be made more than 24 hrs in advance or the full rate will be charged.
All CCTV cameras must be fully disclosed to your home visitor
The client must provide all items necessary for your pet to be adequately cared for in the clients’ absence.
Mall’s Pals will make adequate steps to ensure your home is safe and secure in your absence, however Mall’s Pals cannot be held responsible for any burglaries, or accidents caused by your pet(s).
Terms and Conditions – House Sitting
Payment and cancellations
Cancellations made within 48hrs will be charged the full rate.
Any cancellations before this, will hold the 25% non refundable deposit.
The pet sitter is not responsible for any duty beyond their role as pet sitter.
All CCTV cameras must be fully disclosed to your house & pet sitter.
The client will inform the house and pet sitter if anyone else is expected to be coming to the property during the clients absence, i.e. friend, relative, workmen and whether or not they have their own key.
All information necessary to carry out service must be filled in on client pet portal and be checked and updated for each stay.
Include details of any medications or special treatment that each animal requires.
Please ensure, where required, that all animals are up to date with their vaccinations, worm treatment and flea/tick prevention. Give details of how you would like each animal to be managed on a daily basis. The client should include details of any medications or special treatment that each animal requires. If any of this information is not agreed prior to the house sit, the client will remain responsible.
The Homeowner will agree to pay or reimburse the Sitter for:
All animal costs paid by the Sitter in their care, all costs of emergency repairs or pre-arranged routine maintenance of the premises. Any reasonable costs that the Sitter has incurred for making repairs to the premises as long as: the Sitter gives the Homeowner, or their nominated contact, opportunity to access and to make repairs or the Sitter makes a reasonable attempt to have engaged a tradesperson to make the repairs.
The Sitter must provide receipts for any costs incurred and the client is responsible to make arrangements for the payment for any services provided by a qualified veterinarian in the treatment and care of the Homeowner’s animals.
It is the clients responsibility for the following:
To provide fresh and clean linen for sitters bed
To inform the Vet of the dates the House-sitter will be responsible for the pets.
To give full details of all pets requiring care during the assignment, especially if any animal is unable to be left alone for any period of time.
To provide premises reasonably clean and fit to live in.
To provide the Sitter with a set of keys for the premises. A spare set of keys may be left with a neighbour/local contact if required.
To the use of the house telephone being used in an emergency by the Sitter for care of the animal/s or the Sitter his/her self.
That the Sitter may be granted Internet access through the house broadband facilities. This topic will be discussed during the set-up visit.
The Sitter will solo walk home sit dogs but can include them in group walks only if the sitter is group walking with SPC during the week of stay.
We will not be liable for any damage or injury caused by your dog excepting that of proven Third Party.
Whilst we are not cleaners we will endeavour to keep areas clean and tidy.
We cannot be held liable for any theft or damage to your property or injury/illness to your pets unless we can be shown to be negligent.
We reserve the right to deny or terminate service because of safety or financial concerns.
Extreme weather conditions may mean a curtailment or cancellation of our services at short notice, (we will keep you updated & arrive as soon as possible).
We reserve the right to stop walking a dog if he shows aggression to people or other dogs.
The pet sitter will not be responsible for any breaches of security if there is maintenance services of the property i.e. cleaner, gardener, tradesmen during their stay.
Disclaimer & Waiver of Liability
The information I have given in this application is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge.
I have read and agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions for the services received from Mall’s Pals (formerly Shipley Pet Care). I hereby indemnify Mall’s Pals (formerly Shipley Pet Care) services and their staff against liability of any kind whatsoever arising from my pets participation in any services offered by Mall’s Pals.
Off the Lead Consent
I agree to Mall’s Pals having the right to allow my dog off lead. If my dog is only to be lead walked I will indicate this clearly upon registration and understand that all terms and conditions remain the same.
I have read and agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions for services received from Mall’s Pals. I hereby indemnify Mall’s Pals and their staff against liability of any kind whatsoever arising from my dog’s participation in any services offered by Mall’s Pals.
Key Holder Disclaimer & Waiver of Liability
The information I have given in the application is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge.
I have read and agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions for services received from Mall’s Pals. I understand that this form acts as permission to hold keys to my property, which I have provided willingly. I hereby indemnify Mall’s Pals and their staff against liability of any kind whatsoever arising from damage or loss of any property.
For purposes of marketing and promoting, Mall’s Pals will take photos of dogs on walks and for daycare to demonstrate services and quality of work carried out. These photographs may be used on the website and social media sites. You the customer agree to this unless you inform Mall’s Pals otherwise.